Retirement-Friendly Homes – Old-Up | Discover the technologies and different models for a hot water installation
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Discover the technologies and different models for a hot water installation

hot water heater technologies

Discover the technologies and different models for a hot water installation

Today, the water heater market has evolved. Different models and technologies exist to meet the needs and expectations of older consumers. How do you know whether to choose an electric or thermodynamic water heater? Wall-mounted or pedestal-mounted?

Heating and storing domestic water

The two main functions of a hot water system tank are to heat and store water, even before you can take a steamy shower at 40°c.

How does a hot water tank works in broad terms?

A heating element is installed at the bottom of the tank; once immersed in water, it heats the water to between 60°c and 65°c. The water is kept at room temperature thanks to the insulating foam that surrounds the tank.

How does it work when you take a shower?

The water you use is taken directly from the heater’s water and kept at room temperature. This is automatically replaced by cold water, which will be heated the following night. When you use hot water, it is mixed with cold water to achieve a pleasant temperature for a soothing shower or relaxing bath.

The quality of the water in your home

To choose a suitable water heater for your home, it is necessary to consider the water quality in your area. If the water is hard, the heating element will quickly scale up and reduce the appliance’s efficiency.
The different technologies of water heaters
Different water heater technologies have been developed to respond to the different levels of aggressiveness of the water.

Electric water heaters

How it works

The particularity of the electric water heater is the direct contact between the water contained in your water heater and the resistance installed at the latter’s base.

Without protection, the resistance is exposed to limescale. However, the electric water heater is equipped with a magnesium anode to limit its vulnerability to corrosion. To ensure that your water heater functions correctly in the long term, it should be descaled on average every two years. Without maintenance, the scale will concentrate at the bottom of the tank and damage the resistance. As a result, your water will heat up less quickly, and your electricity consumption will increase.

avoid the leak!

avoid the leak!

Electric instantaneous water heaters

How it works

The main difference from other water heaters is that they do not have a storage tank. Instead, the instantaneous water heater produces hot water on demand using a high-powered electric heater. On contact with the resistor, the water reaches the required heat and then flows to the required distribution point (sink, shower, bath).

The small size of the electric instantaneous water heater makes it suitable for small spaces. It is also beneficial as a backup water heater for a space in your home that is too far from the central water heater. In addition, it is advisable to use an instantaneous water heater for a single water point because of its limited flow rate. The flow rate stabilises according to the temperature required at the outlet.

Thermodynamic water heater

The thermodynamic water heater is enjoying success, mainly because of environmental concerns.

How it works

Based on the principle of the heat pump, the thermodynamic water heater uses aerothermal energy to heat the water in the house. Using the natural calories in the air, the heat pump recovers the heat and transmits it to the water in the tank.

Depending on the model, the thermodynamic water heater can use different sources of air, either ambient air in an insulated room or air drawn from outside.

Environmentally friendly, the thermodynamic water heater allows significant savings, up to 70%, compared to a conventional water heater. This is an ideal solution for reducing the house’s energy bill while playing a beneficial role for the environment by not releasing greenhouse gases.

The different models according to the installation to be carried out

The vertical wall-mounted water heater is placed against a load-bearing wall using fixing systems. It is preferable to fix the water heater to a solid wall (brick, breeze block) to support the appliance’s capacity. The vertical wall-mounted hot water tank is available in many models, whether armored, instantaneous, thermodynamic, or hybrid. It is important to note that the vertical wall-mounted water heater is limited to 200 litres, beyond which the water heater will be on a base.

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